Kategorie: Wordpress

  • WordPress autoupdater

    Wordpress autoupdater

    install wp-cli -> http://wp-cli.org/ use this script #!/bin/bash updater(){ wp core update –allow-root wp core update-db –allow-root wp plugin update –all –allow-root wp theme update –all –allow-root wp core language update –allow-root CGROUP=$(stat -c ‚%G‘ wp-cron.php) CUSER=$(stat -c ‚%U‘ wp-cron.php) chown $CUSER:$CGROUP ./* -Rf } for i in $(find /var/www/vhosts -name wp-cron.php); do wpdir=$(echo $i |…

  • W3 Total Cache – Intermittent Browser Decode Errors

    W3 Total Cache – Intermittent Browser Decode Fehler

    I have modified my W3TC browser cache config to disable gzip compression. However I still have a gzip encoding header. It looks like I have introduced a config issue with phpfpm (my assumption right now). I thought I had ruled out double encoding already, but missed something. I’ll confirm my assumptions later, but it doesn’t…

  • RSS Doesn't Work – XML Parsing Error

    RSS funktioniert nicht – XML-Parsing-Fehler

    i had this problem on my WordPress Site. The issue was that i had a blank line at the beginning of my side. The solution: -> after a long time of research i found out that i had an „return“ on my wp-config.php file in the section where i configured the WP-Multisite future.

  • WordPress vhost Ubuntu 14.10 fix Permalinks

    Wordpress vHost Ubuntu 14.10 fix Permalinks

    <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory>  

  • Link Libary Änderung Thumbnail-Anbieter

    you must use Version: and change the main php file to <?php /* Plugin Name: Link Library Plugin URI: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/link-library/ Description: Display links on pages with a variety of options Version: Author: Yannick Lefebvre Author URI: http://ylefebvre.ca/ A plugin for the blogging MySQL/PHP-based WordPress. Copyright 2014 Yannick Lefebvre Translations: French Translation courtesy of Luc…

  • WordPress multisite password reset fix

    Wordpress Multi-Site-Passwort-Reset-fix

    to fix the issue with the wrong URLs http://www.site2.com forgot password links to http://www.site1.com/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword and not http://www.site2.com/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword the fix is: you change on the most lines network_site_url -> site_url wp-includes/general-template.php function wp_lostpassword_url( $redirect = “ ) { $args = array( ‚action‘ => ‚lostpassword‘ ); if ( !empty($redirect) ) { $args[‚redirect_to‘] = $redirect; } $lostpassword_url = add_query_arg(…

  • Speeding Up WordPress on Synology

    Beschleunigen Wordpress bei Synology

    Out of the box, WordPress running on a Synology is very slow (search Synology.com forums or Google if you don’t believe me). This article explains how to optimize your Synology and your WordPress website for speed. Disclaimer The below are tweaks I’ve implemented with success. I don’t know the complete extent of their validity; they just…

  • WordPress 4 upgrade problemes

    WordPress 4 upgrade problemes

    wp-admin is slow you must set on the localhost file of the server all domains to localhost