Funksteckdosen via Raspberry Pi via the terminal, Web Interface or control Siri – 433 mHz



RaspberryPi Transmitter Receiver
Pin 2 / 4 (5V) VCC VCC
Pin 6 / 9 (GND) GND GND
Pin 11 (GPIO17) – RPi Nr.1 ATAD
Pin 13 (GPIO27) – RPi Nr.2 DATA (to the left of GND)


We come now to the software. For this purpose, you must first start your Raspberry Pi, where everything has been assembled as described above. Connecting you should only times

sudo apt-get update

perform. This your repositories are updated. Then git-core must be installed (if not already done anyway):

sudo apt-get install git-core

In order to realize the control of the transmitter, there is a project calledWiringPi. This it installed you on your Raspberry Pi as follows:

git clone git://
cd wiringPi

For our purposes,, to control the outlets there is already a project. This comes from xkonni and called Raspberry-Remote. Your installed it you so:

git clone git://
cd raspberry-remote

It's running, you have to you, nor the compile send.cpp, So type the following:

make send
make demon

install a sniffer

git clone
cd 433Utils/RPi_utils
make all

For the pin assignment

gpio ReadAll

test sniffers

./codesend 1234

Web Interface

Of course it is a bit awkward and uncomfortable, the whole always having to worry about the terminal / SSH. But no problem! Raspberry remote also provides the same Web interface with a matching. So you can use the, should her first time Apache and PHP install on your Raspberry:

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5

Here we go to the Web Interface, what mitliefert xkonni directly. In addition I have the folder

mkdir /var/www/html/remote

a subfolder remote created. Then the contents of ~ / raspberry-remote / webinterface moved there:

cp -Rf ~/raspberry-remote/webinterface/* /var/www/html/remote

Now still has in

vi /var/www/html/remote/config.php

File the IP address of Raspberry Pis to be adjusted: to simply use nano.


Now is still missing, the daemon, accessed by the PHP script the web interface. For this we go back to the Raspberry remote directory: cd ~/raspberryremote and compile the daemon: make daemon
Now we can start this:

sudo ./daemon &

The & causes, that the process running in the background.

Now we can try our luck with the Web Interface: Therefore we call from another computer / mobile web interface via (Insert your IP) on. If it works and there are various outlets visible, then you have to now only in the config.php sockets named and possibly. the codes, etc. to adjust. The configuration should be self-explanatory.screenshot_webinterface

If you receive an error message such as "Switch out of range: GET /:XY "gets, do not worry! In the daemon.cpp are by default only the House Codes 00000 & 00001 & 00010 covered. This can, however, easily change. Go to back to the directory of Raspberry Remote (with me /home/pi/raspberry-remote/, also via

cd /home/pi/raspberry-remote/

and opens the daemon.cpp with nano. Inside is the entry "nPlugs = 10;“, which you simply "nPlugs = 1110;“. then onsudo make daemon recompile and sudo ./daemon & start again. Now should work with you the web interface.



Let Raspberry Pi’s communicate with each other per 433MHz wireless signals


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