Monat: April 2014

  • start ownCloud sync client twice

    start ownCloud sync client twice

    MAC: create a new folder under /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/ownCloud_xxx create this script and modify the last 2 lines #!/bin/bash function start_oc { mkdir -p /tmp/oc_$1 TMPDIR=“/tmp/oc_$1″ export TMPDIR /Applications/ –confdir „/Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/ownCloud_$1″ & } start_oc firm start_oc priv then made it a „OS X“ Application with so you can put it in login items. Windows:…

  • watch / loop batch

    @echo off :loop1 ping -n 5 > NUL cls net sess goto loop1 pause

  • mount error(12): Cannot allocate memory (Linux)

    If you try to mount a Windows based network share on your linux system and you get the error mount error(12): Cannot allocate memory Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) you have found a known Windows bug 🙂 To correct this problem, you have make the following changes in registry on your…